Tuesday 16 April 2013

Our Next Writing Project: Twitter Fiction

#engchat #twitterfiction #mbedu

Our next writing project as a class is going to be Twitter Fiction! As we've seen there are three basic types of Twitter Fiction:

(1) THE VSSAS- The "Very Short Stand Alone Story", is one story in 140 characters or less. Beginning, middle, end, all in one tweet.

examples here:

(2) The Extended Story- One story, told through a series of tweets, but still limited to 140 characters per tweet.

example here:

(3)The Fiction Inspired by Fiction Story- Have a favorite book or character?  This type of Twitter Fiction allows you to clarify, build on, on exted a pre-exsiting fictional storyline.


Follow @narrator18 on Twitter and read the interweaving Twitter Fiction storyline @christinabaland created based on a pre- existing novel.

So which type of story are you going to tell?